on Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. websites

Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. draws particular attention to respecting privacy of the users visiting websites in all domains that belong to the company. The data gathered in log registers shall be used exclusively for the purpose of websites administration. We do not intend to identify the users visiting our websites. No identification data shall be transferred to any third party with any purpose.

Cookies shall be used for the following purposes:

  1. matching websites content to a User’s preference;
  2. optimizing the use of websites matched to an individual User’s requirements;
  3. drawing up statistics of visited websites, order and number of views that help to determine the most important materials placed on the websites, which allows to improve the structure and subject content of our websites;
  4. maintaining session of a User of a particular website.

The gathered logs shall be kept for an indefinite time period as a supportive material used for websites administration. The information included there shall not be disclosed to anybody except for the persons authorized to websites administration. Summary reports in the form of such statistics shall not include any features identifying our websites visitors.

Data gathered by Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A.:

Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. shall store HTTP queries addressed to our servers. It means that we know public IP addresses from which users browse through the information on our website. The browsed content shall be identified by URL. We also possess the information regarding:

  1. time of receiving a query and time of sending an answer;
  2. name of a client station – identification through http;
  3. information about errors occurring during http transaction;
  4. information about user’s browser.

Cookies mechanism:

On Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. websites there are two basic types of cookies used:

  1. session cookies – temporary files stored in the User’s terminal equipment until leaving a website or closing a browser;
  2. persistent cookies – stored in terminal equipment of a User during the time determined in cookies parameters or until deleted by the User.

Links to other websites:

Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. may include links to other WWW sites. We cannot take responsibility for privacy rules on these websites. We recommend a User should get familiar with privacy policy applied on other entered websites. This privacy policy refers only to Wytwórnia Makaronu Domowego POL-MAK S.A. websites.

Browser settings:

In many cases a browser allows cookies storage on a default basis. A User may change cookies default settings. We present below detailed information concerning cookies support in particular browsers.

Mozilla Firefox

In the menu ‘Tools’ select ‘Options’ and then the tab ‘Privacy’. The browser makes it possible to mark no track option or remove single cookies of particular websites.

Microsoft Explorer Edge

In the menu ‘Settings’ select ‘the tab ‘Privacy and Security’. There you may select a preferable option.

Google Chrome

In the menu hidden behind three vertical strokes in the right top corner of the browser choose ‘Tools’ and then ‘Clean browsing history’. Besides cleaning cookies option there’s also a link ‘More information’ directing to detailed description of privacy functions of the browser.


Using the ‘Opera’ button in the top left corner you may open menu and select ‘Settings’ and then ‘Clean browsing history’. Besides the option of deleting already set cookies, there is also ‘Manage cookies’ button directing to more advanced options for particular websites.

Apple Safari

In the ‘Safari’ menu choose ‘Preferences’ and then ‘Privacy’ tab. There are many options regarding cookies.